Tradepreneur Units

1 . Global Academic Platform SDG Summits

2. Global Research Organization - Research & Development

3. Certificate Courses & Diploma

About Us

Tradepreneur is an international platform for exchanging and presenting expert opinions, novel ideas, and ground-breaking research findings in the field of theoretical and practical experiences in academia and industry. Its aim is to provide informed research practices on key educational and industry issues in an accessible manner. This platform intends to promote the institutions, teams, and individuals that place quality research at the top of their agenda and work in collaboration with others to achieve their goals. Our key mission is to set the stage for the change makers in the global research network and bring a difference in society. This platform brings together academicians, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Science, Social Sciences Management, Economics, and Engineering. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges encountered, and the solutions adopted in the fields of engineering, management, and social sciences.

- Grow skills

- Learn from experience

- Demonstrate passion

- Be helpful

  • Present your ideas and work to a global audience

  • Hear from world-class keynote speakers

  • Select between various modes of presentations: Oral, Virtual, or Poster presentation

  • Find new opportunities to connect and network with an academic community in various academic sessions and social functions

  • Selected papers have publication opportunities in Scopus-indexed journals

  • Have your work published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN

  • Receive constructive feedback from Peer Reviewers to improve your work

  • Get deeper knowledge and a new perspective in the field

  • Build new collaborations for your projects

  • Invest in your own growth and progress

  • Nominate for Best Presenter Awards for outstanding presentations

  • Increase your work’s visibility and readership through Open Access publication with a reputable Publishing House

  • Gain access to all presented papers

  • Join a free guided City Tour

  • Enjoy the Conference photography coverage

Reasons to Attend Conferences/Seminars

NAAC Accreditation Preparation

Support in the preparation of NAAC accreditation :

NAAC Accreditation : We are registered with Govt. of India's MSME Portal and UN Portal

We are skilled in providing Superior Service,

Our efforts focus on Sustainability

We Provide Sustainability Audits through research Interventions

We provide ecological solutions through design interventions

Core Committee Members

Er. Yousef Khiarak


Tradepreneur Global Academic

Southampton UK

Dr. Burhan Ozkan


Director Akdeniz University

Antalya Turkeyie

Dr. Hayri Uygun

Vice President (TGAP)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University

Rize, Turkiye

Prof. Dr. Joanna Paliskiewicz


Management Institute

Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW

Warsaw Polland

Daniel Guce Ph.D


Strategic Investment

of Albanian post

Tirana Albania

Prof. Dr. Rashmi Gujrati Editor-In-Chief

NAAC Assessor

National Assessment and Accreditation Council

Bangalore, India

Past Speakers