Certificate Courses on Indian Knowledge System

Bhagavad-Gita: Traditional & Modern perspective
The Bhagavad Gita's management-related precepts are included in this document. It describes how Gita ideas like karma, gyan, and bhakti relate to ideas in management like action, knowledge, and dedication.
- It tells how Arjun, desiring to fight in the noble war, approaches Krishna for assistance. After patiently listening to understand Arjun's misgivings, Krishna then imparts lessons on motivation, self-transcendence, and cultivating equanimity.
- Important lessons managers can take away from the Gita include keeping a balanced view on both short- and long-term goals and responding to success and disappointment with composure.
Principal of Management -Bhagavad-Gita:
The art of management is utilising others to accomplish goals. However, as Bob Nelson clarified, we get the finest work out of people when we develop a fire within of them rather than lighting a fire beneath them. We must first ignite a fire within ourselves before we can ignite a fire in others. The deeds of others teach us far more than their words ever could. We cannot inspire others until we are motivated ourselves. Thus, managing leaders and their leadership philosophies is the essence of management. Fostering a culture of positivity at work and cultivating an atmosphere of honesty, trust, shared interests, and values is another aspect of leadership. However, the issue is in the way current management systems address issues at the surface, material, external, and peripheral levels.

Diploma courses
Sustainable Development : CSR
Introduction to CSR and Sustainability: Explore the fundamentals and global challenges
* CSR Strategy and Leadership: Learn about strategy development and change management
* Environmental Sustainability: Delve into management, compliance, and renewable energy
* Sustainable Business Models and Innovation: Understand how to create shared value and drive sustainable innovation
* Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Study the principles of sustainable sourcing and the circular economy
* CSR in Emerging Markets: Examine trends and ethical dilemmas
* CSR Measurement and Evaluation: Focus on KPIs, auditing, and reporting
* Capstone Project and Executive Leadership: Engage in a project to hone your leadership skills

Export -Import Management : Documentation and Export Shipping

Introduction: International Trade
Export Business Plan
How to sell products overseas
How to Prepare your Products for Export
Method of Exporting
Methods of Payment in Export
Export Process: PACKING
International Shipping Documents: LABELING
Export-Import shipping
Export-Import Insurance

Entrepreneurship and New Venture creation
An Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Psychological Aspects of Entrepreneurship
The Theory of Effectuation
Deep Diving Into The Entrepreneurial Process
Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition, Evaluation and Action
Business Models and Business Model Innovation
Protecting Intellectual Property
Entrepreneurial Marketing (6 Hours)
Marketing Challenges Faced By Entrepreneurs
Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurs
Digital And Social Media Marketing

Certificate /Value added courses On Indian Knowledge System
Certificate /Value added courses On Indian Knowledge System
Supply Chain Management
Core Supply Chain processes
Supply Chain complexity- Bull Whip Effect, Handling Uncertainty
Introduction to Supply Chain Simulation
Supply Chain Structure Design: Push, Pull, Postponement
Supply Chain Governance: Contracts and Relationships
Risk and Resilience in Supply Chains
Introduction to Triple Bottom Review and SDGs, Sustainable Supply Chains and Value Chain Mapping, 3P Metrics, Circular Supply Chain
Freight Transportation- Selection and its Impact on Inventor
Development of Supply Strategies
Purchasing Performance Evaluation
Customs, Duties, Tariffs, INCO terms, Rules of origin, Letter of credit etc.
Sourcing Quality, Acceptance Sampling, Process Capability
Supply Chain Finance

Register for Certificate Course

Registration fees
500/- INR
25/-USD Certificate and e-book
1st International Summit Sustainable Development Goals 1-17 Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Turkey : 01-17 June 2021
2nd International Summit Sustainable Development Goal 08 University of Molise Italy : Nov 2021
3rd International Summit Sustainable Development Goal 05 : 08-10 March 2022
5th International Summit Sustainable Development Goals Goal -09 Akdeniz University Antalya Turkey 12-13 Nov 2022
4th International Summit Sustainable Development Goal 15 KC Group of Institutions Nawanshahr India : 05-30 June 2022
7th International Summit Sustainable Development Goals 1-17 KC Group of Institutions 10-16 Nov 2023
6th International Summit Sustainable Development Goals 1-17 : 10-16 April 2023
Supporters for Sustainable Developments Goals